
Workshops:  May 21-23, 2024
Conference:  May 24-25, 2024

View the detailed schedule below or download a PDF version!


May 21-23, Tuesday-Thursday
@University of Toronto + Toronto Metropolitan University

09:00 AM - 05:00 PM // The eight ROB|ARCH 2024 workshops will run concurrently at our two host institutions. All participants who registered for a workshop should have an email with further workshop details.


DAY 0 – May 23, Thursday
@Toronto Metropolitan University

Registration Location: 288 Church St. Daphne Cockwell H. Sciences Complex (B30) – Design + Technology Lab at The Creative School. Please make sure to register first upon arrival!

12:30-05:00 PM // Conference Registration Opens
Location: The Design + Technology Lab – Basement Floor

01:00-04:00 PM // Association for Robots in Architecture Special Session
Location: SID316

05:30-07:00 PM // Welcome Remarks + Retrospective, then Pecha Kucha
Location: SID316

DAY 1 – May 24, Friday
@University of Toronto

Location for Day: 1 Spadina Crescent, Entry from the west or east door only, south entrance will be closed.

08:30 AM // Conference Registration Opens with Coffee and Snacks

09:15 AM // Conference Opening Remarks

09:30 AM // Paper Session 1 – Collaborations:

  • Cyber-Physical Explorations of Collective Robotic Construction Using Agent-Based Modelling [Samuel Leder, Lasath Siriwardena, Philipp Kragl and Achim Menges]
  • Planning Non-repetitive Robotic Assembly Processes with Task and Motion Planning (TAMP) [Pok Yin Victor Leung, Yijiang Huang, Caelan Garret, Fabio Gramazio and Matthias Kohler]
  • A Loosely Coupled Observation Processing and Data Exchange System for Complex Teams of On-site Construction Robots [Lukas Kirner, Marit Zöcklein, Jyrki Oraskari, Carsten Kamp, Fabian Claßen and Sigrid Brell-Cokcan]
  • Spontaneous Tensegrity: Exploring Improvisational Design and Robotic Fabrication in Tensegrity Structures [Isla Xi Han and Stefana Parascho]

10:50 AM // Coffee Break

11:05 AM // Workshop Outcomes Presentations

12:35 PM // Lunch

01:35 PM // Paper Session 2 – Alternative Materials:

  • Additive Manufacture with Graded Bio-polymer Composites [Paul Nicholas, Carl Eppinger, Ruxandra Chiujdea, Konrad Sonne and Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen]
  • Cooperative Robotic Fabrication of Natural Tree Fork Structures [Hua Chai, Xinjie Zhou, Xiaofan Gao, Qinhui Yang and Philip F. Yuan]
  • Hollow-Characters, Robotically Programmed Matter for Kinetic Behaviour and Guided Self-Assembly [Samim Mehdizadeh and Oliver Tessmann]
  • Conformal Robotic 3D Printing and Post-fabrication Analysis of Mycelium-based Composites [Özgüç Bertuğ Çapunaman, Alale Mohseni, Alireza Zamani, Natalie Walter and Benay Gursoy]

02:55 PM // Coffee Break

03:10 PM // Keynote 1 – Brian Ringley

04:20 PM // Paper Session 3 – Other Robot Bodies:

  • Synergising Natural Material Complexity and Low Impact Automation [Eszter Olah, Mehrdad Zareian and Moritz Dörstelmann]
  • Differential Boundary Deposition: Mobile Robotic Construction with Amorphous Materials [Matthew Johnson, Phillipp Kragl, Michael Tucker, Nicolas Kubail Kalousdian, Samuel Leder and Achim Menges]
  • A Suspended Cable-Driven Parallel Robot (CDPR) and Reorientation Mechanism for the Semi-Automated Positioning of Prefab Assemblies [Steven Beites, Ethan McDonald and Marc Arsenault]    
  • CHANDELIER’1244: Towards Cyber-physical Experimentation with Structural Adaptation in Architecture [Mathias Maierhofer and Achim Menges] 

05:40 PM // Coffee Break

05:55 PM // Keynote 2 – Sougwen Chung

07:05 PM // Wrap Up Remarks

DAY 2: May 25, Saturday
@ University of Toronto 

Location for Day: 1 Spadina Crescent, Entry from the west or east door only, south entrance will be closed.

09:00 AM  // Welcome Remarks

09:15 AM // Paper Session 4 – Out of Plane:

  • Non-planar 3D Printing of Double Shells [Ioanna Mitropoulou, Amir Vaxman, Olga Diamanti and Benjamin Dillenburger]
  • Polymers, Fabric and Steel: A Hybrid Robotic Fabrication System for Bespoke Doubly-curved Structural Concrete [Jon Krähling Engholt and Dave Pigram]
  • 3D Printing Pattern Effects on SCF-PLA Extrusion on Pre-stretched Textile Formwork [Ehsan Baharlou]
  • Design for Additive Construction: Uncovering Challenges and Opportunities through the Robotic 3D Printing of a Pedestrian Bridge [Peter Storey, Nathan King, James Donnelly and Shadi Al-Ariss]

10:35 AM // Coffee Break

10:50 AM // Keynote 3 – Yusuke Obuchi

12:00 PM // Lunch

01:00 PM // Paper Session 5 – As-built As-found:

  • Rising from Rubble: Leveraging Existing Construction Tools for Upcycling Concrete Waste into Slender Walls [Maxence Grangeot, Qianqing Wang, Katrin Beyer, Corentin Fivet and Stefana Parascho]
  • Feasibility Check of a Workflow with Industrial Robots and Laser-Tracking for Timber Machining Across the Workspace [Marc Pantscharowitsch and Benjamin Kromoser]
  • Mixed Reality Carpentry [Gwyllim Jahn, Cameron Newnham and Nick van den Berg]
  • Mobile Robotic Brickwork Disassembly for Material Reuse [Begum Saral, Hanzhi Chen, Stefan Leutenegger and Kathrin Dörfler]
  • Lost and bound: Adaptive Detailing with Robotic Additive Joining for Reclaimed Steel [Inés Ariza, Romana Rust, Vlad-Alexandru Silvestru, Andreas Taras, Fabio Gramazio, Matthias Kohler and Catherine De Wolf]

02:35 PM // Coffee Break

02:50 PM // Paper Session 6 – Models All the Way Down

  • Reshaping Wood Waste: Creative Pathways to Enhance Resource Efficiency [Maria-Eleni Papandreou, Vincent Huyghe, Joseph Namar, Lucas Gottschild, Pit Siebenaler, Bora Çobanoğlu, Alexandre Dubor and Aldo Sollazzo]
  • Artifex Automata: Predicting Robotic Chiseling Strokes [Sandro Siefert, Nadja Gaudillière-Jami, Tom Svilans and Paul Nicholas]
  • Towards Adaptive Additive Manufacturing with Semi-autonomous Robotic Binder Jet 3D Printing of Concrete [Linxiaoyi Wan, Jingyang Liu, Dana Cupkova and Joshua Bard]
  • Toolpath Design Calibration for Robotic Spatial Printing with Supervised Learning [Sulaiman Alothman, Martin Bechthold and Hanspeter Pfister]

04:25  PM // Keynote Panel

05:35 PM // Dinner at Victoria College – Sponsored by RoboticPlus.AI
Location: Burwash Hall, Victoria College, 89 Charles St W

06:00 PM // Awards Ceremony and Closing Remarks (during dinner)

09:00 PM // Dinner Ends


Brian Ringley

Brian Ringley is a Principal Product Manager at Boston Dynamics where he leads digital twin product development, specifically industrial facility mapping to support enterprise asset management and anomaly detection for preventative maintenance. Before coming to Boston Dynamics, he was a Senior Construction Automation Researcher at WeWork and a Senior Associate on the Design Technology team at Woods Bagot. He has taught at Pratt Institute, the City University of New York, and the University of Cincinnati.

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Sougwen Chung

Sougwen 愫君 Chung is a Chinese-Canadian artist and researcher considered a pioneer in human-machine collaboration – exploring the mark-made-by-hand and the mark-made-by-machine as an approach to understanding systems. Chung’s work MEMORY is part of the permanent collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum and is the first AI Model to be collected by a major institution. Recently, Chung won TIME Magazine’s Impact Award 2024 and was named of their 100 Most Influential People in AI.

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Yusuke Obuchi

Yusuke Obuchi, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Architecture at the University of Tokyo, where he leads the Obuchi Laboratory and Advanced Design Research Lab, focusing on the future of construction and digital fabrication through human-machine collaboration. Yuseke’s career includes serving as co-director at the Architectural Association’s Design Research Laboratory and holding visiting professorships at Harvard, Princeton, and the University of Hong Kong. He co-developed the UAE Pavilion “Wetland” for the 17th Venice Biennale International Architecture Exhibition, which was awarded the Golden Lion award.