Robotic 3D Printing of Biomaterials for Biologically Active Structures


SOCIAL: @kaphend @andrea.s.ling


This workshop aims to give participants a comprehensive understanding of the techniques and materials involved in the robotic fabrication of biologically active 3D structures using biocompatible binders and recycled or waste granular material such as sawdust or sand. Our approach involves a structured workflow for designing intricate shapes, which will be brought to life using robotic 3D printing technology. This practical process offers an opportunity to work with diverse biomaterials vital in enhancing biological activity while undergoing state changes during solidification. Upon completing the workshop, participants will possess the knowledge and skills to design digitally fabricated prints and investigate potential applications in bio-design and architecture.


The participants will explore the design, programming, and fabrication of biologically active 3D structures using computational design, path-planning, biocompatible binders, recycled materials, and potentially living organisms to understand the intricacies of designing systems with living capacity. Participants will learn about different biomaterials and their properties and be introduced to a robotic printing platform that can extrude such materials. Participants will then be split into groups where they will design structures that can be made from our test materials and test the digital workflow to fabricate their designs. The last afternoon will be spent reviewing the prototypes and assessing their viability as biologically active structures.


  • Knowledge of Rhino and Grasshopper
  • Programming knowledge in Python (recommended)
  • Basic robotic knowledge (recommended)
  • Participants should bring their laptops with the installed Rhinoceros 7, Grasshopper, and Visual Studio Code (other libraries to be specified). Participants to indicate whether they have a Mac or Windows computer.